[goal] DIY a peek-a-prize cat toy box, retail US$40

[items and tools]
- one empty cereal box (or any narrow cardboard box)
- some tape to seal ends, also to anchor the toy on the floor once finished
- blade to cut
- an empty toilet paper roll to draw shapes
- a pen to draw
[step 1] trace the shape on the box
[step 2] cut out the shapes
[step 3] drop cat toys into the box with holes
[done] It's my toy until Misty gets here! (cost - next to $0!) When given to cats, better to tape it down to the floor for better play. (Otherwise, the box is too light, it can fly across the room in one kick.)
[and...] thread a string through the circle cut-outs, and turned them into toys, too!
Shianne, I found this post while searching for something I could use to entertain two 8-month old kittens I'm sitting for. I made one out of a large shoebox, and for the first day they both ignored it -- but today they've spent hours (frustrated hours, mostly ;-)) trying to get stuff out of it. Thanks so much.
i just found this, i gotta say awesome! i will definitely be making this later.
Woohoo I'll definitely be trying this on my five year old. She hardly ever plays anymore!
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